MAPGROUP > Project


Design, Development Planning, Urban Design & Master Plan, Engineering, Construction Management, Post Occupancy & BIM

Ras Laffan C 2600MW IWPP Project
Qatar Ras Laffan 공단 내
(용량) Power : 2,600MW, Water : 63MIGD
RC, Steel

Ras Laffan IWPP, Qatar (카타르 라스라판 발전 담수화 플랜트)

Ras Laffan IWPP Project is a power and desalination plant in Qatar Ras Laffan Industrial Complex. The ordering organization is Qatar Ras Girtas power company and the consultant is parsons brinckerhoff(PB). It is composed of 80 buildings including the GAS, Steam Turbine building, and shelter.

Ras Laffan IWPP Project는 Qatar Ras Laffan공단내 건설하는 발전소 및 담수 Plant로서 Qatar Ras Girtas power company에서 발주 하였으며, Consultant는 Parsons Brinckerhoff가 수행하였다.
GAS and Steam Turbine 건물등 Shelter를 포함하여 80개동으로 구성되어 있다.

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